Product Descriptions in Other Languages

Besides English we have also product descriptions in other languages for some of our products. If you prefer German, Dutch, Spanish or Swedish you can click on the links below to get product information in your preferable language.

 Product description in German is available for the following products

 SamLogic CD-Menu Creator - German language

 Product description in Dutch is available for the following products

 SamLogic CD-Menu Creator - Dutch language

 Product description in Spanish is available for the following products

 SamLogic CD-Menu Creator - Spanish language

 SamLogic USB AutoRun Creator - Spanish language

 SamLogic MultiMailer - Spanish language


 Product description in Swedish is available for the following products

 SamLogic CD-Menu Creator - Swedish language

 SamLogic Visual Installer - Swedish language

 SamLogic MultiMailer - Swedish language

We have also published documents and articles in other languages than English. Here are Spanish articles & documents available and here are Swedish articles & documents available.
