Customer #: [$Customer#]
Company: [$Company]
Name: [$Name]
Phone: [$Phone]

Retailer Price List

Hi [$First name],

In the table below you find the current retailer prices for some of our berries.

Article # Desciption Price/Litre
1001 Blueberries [$User field 1]
1002 Raspberries [$User field 2]
1003 Strawberries [$User field 3]

If you have further  questions you are welcome to give me a call: 01-123 45 67.

Best Regards,

John Smith
Sales Manager
Berry Industries, Inc

Berry Industries, Inc, 123 Easy Street, Greenwille, NY 12345, USA 
Phone: 01-123 45 67,  Fax: 01-123 45 68,  Internet:,  e-mail: