FAQ - Usability and Functionality - General

How can I get help within the application?

To open the help documentation just press the F1 button when your are in a dialog box or window in the program. The help is local and describes what to do in the specified dialog box or window.

What is the fastest way to "getting started" with MultiMailer?

We strongly recommend you to walk through the introduction guide that is automatically shown the first time you run the program. The introduction guide can also be initiated from the Help menu (Help - Introduction). You can also take a look in the help overview (Help - Contents) which describes the functions in the program in an easy way.

Are there any newsletter examples included?

Yes, we have included many newsletter examples. They can be opened via the menu item Help - Open Example.

Are there any video tips available for MultiMailer?

Yes, you can find many video tips for MultiMailer on YouTube. For example these:
> Learn MultiMailer: Send your first e-mail newsletter
> Learn MultiMailer: How to add an attachment to a newsletter
> Learn MultiMailer: Newsletter Wizard
> Learn MultiMailer: How to add a contact to the mailing list

What kind of e-mail messages can I create with MultiMailer?
You can create both HTML messages and plain text messages with SamLogic MultiMailer. HTML allows you to create e-mails with different images, fonts, colors, tables, sound etc.

Can I use MultiMailer together with programs like Expression Web, FrontPage and Dreamweaver?

Yes, you can make MultiMailer co-operate with advanced HTML editors such as Microsoft Expression Web, Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver, if you like to use one of these to design your HTML messages. MultiMailer can also cop-operate with Microsoft Word to create newsletters. To create a connection between MultiMailer and an external HTML editor, go to the Options menu and select the Options menu item and open the HTML editor tab and specify a file path to the HTML editor.

How advanced HTML is MultiMailer able to handle?

MultiMailer is using the same component as Internet Explorer as its core component, so the program itself can handle quite advanced HTML. But we don't recommend you to use the latest techniques in e-mail messages because there is a risk that the receiver's e-mail client will not support it. Especially Microsoft Outlook 2007 and 2010 and Gmail are not supporting to advanced HTML, including advanced style sheets. Try to keep the HTML in the e-mail messages as simple as possible.

How do I create "personal" e-mail letters?

By using data field variables in MultiMailer you can create personalized e-mail messages. Every e-mail message that is sent out will be unique and the receiver will feel that the e-mail is tailored only for him/her. The receiver will not regard it as an ordinary junk mail.

What is a "Data Field"?

In MultiMailer a data field, or a field, is a variable which changes its value with every unique email sent. An example of a field variable is [$First Name], and if you add "Hi [$First Name]!" to your e-mail text, the program will automatically replace the variable [$First Name] with the name given in your mailing-list and every receiver will get an e-mail with an individual greeting, for example "Hi Mary!" or "Hi Charles!". 

Can I use several fields at the same time?

Yes, an e-mail can contain several fields in which the content is picked from the database (mailing list) within the program. Those fields could contain information about names, addresses, customer numbers, earlier orders, individual password and more. This way you let MultiMailer create and send out unique messages to each person in the mailing list. You can use fields both in the e-mail subject and in the body text. There are approximately 40 different data fields in MultiMailer.

Do I have to manually type in every e-mail address that I want to block/exclude from a mailing?

No. You can block a group of e-mail addresses in different ways. One method is to select those e-mail addresses you want to block in the mailing list and choose the menu item Edit - Add to Exclusion list. You can also right-click over one selected e-mail address and choose the menu item Add E-mail Address to Exclusion List in the local menu.
If you have a list with e-mail addresses that you want to block, for example in a text file or in a Microsoft Excel sheet, another method is to copy and paste them via Windows Clipboard. You can do this by opening the Permanent Exclusion List dialog box via the File - Exclusion lists - Permanent Exclusion List menu item, and press Ctrl - V to paste the e-mail addresses.
If you use the Professional version of MultiMailer you can let MultiMailer block e-mail addresses automatically when reader's unsubscribe your e-mails. You can read more about this feature on this page.

What is the difference between "permanent" and "temporary" exclusion lists?

The Permanent Exclusion List is used to permanently block mail addresses from getting e-mails from you. For example contacts that have sent an unsubscribe request, or in another way requested to be excluded from your mailing lists, can be included in this list. The Permanent Exclusion List is always used when you do a mailing and can not be turned off.
The Temporary Exclusion List is used to temporarily stop recipients from getting e-mails from you. For example, if you plan to repeat a circular but do not want to include people who recently bought a product from you, you can use this function. The Temporary Exclusion List is used until you close MultiMailer or unloads the list.

If the e-mail delivery stops at a specific e-mail address, do I have to resend everything again?

No, by selecting the Cancel wait state - continue with next menu item in the Mailing menu you can break a wait state, if the mailing process seems to have halted at a specific e-mail address. When you press this menu item the mailing process will continue with the next e-mail address in the mailing list.
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