How to use the User Options dialog box with script

There is a general option dialog box available in Visual Installer's setup wizard that can be used to show different options for the end-user during an installation. The name of the dialog box is User Options and in this dialog box the end-user can select and unselect options that you include in the setup project. The state of these options can co-operate with conditional statements in Visual Installer’s scripting language, as we will show in the tip below.
Part 1 - Activate the 'User Options' setup dialog box:
In the first part of this tip we will show how to activate the User Options setup dialog box and add three options to it.

1. Start Visual Installer and create a new project.
2. Open the Dialog boxes tab in the editor.
3. Select the User options option in the Dialog boxes tab:


4. Click on the "..." button to the right of the User options option.
5. A dialog box with the title User options is opened.
6. Enter the following in the dialog box:
    - A dialog title in the Dialog title text box. E.g.
"Choose an option"
    - A dialog text in the Dialog text text box. E.g.
"What do you want to do? Choose an option below:"
7. Select option number 1, 2 and 3 in the dialog box.
8. Enter options texts for these three options. The picture below shows how it may look like:


9. Click OK to close the dialog box.
You have now created a dialog box with three options. The picture below shows how this dialog box may look like during the installation:

Part 2 - Write script that co-operate with the 'User Options' dialog box:
In the second part of this tip we will show how to add script lines that co-operate with the three options that you added in part 1 of this tip. We will show how to create a simple script that just shows a message box with the option number for each option that is selected during the installation.

1. Choose the Special - Execute script commands menu item in Visual Installer's editor.
2. Open the After installation tab.
3. Enter the following script lines in the script editor:
  MSGBOX "Information", "Option # 1 was selected", 1

  MSGBOX "Information", "Option # 2 was selected", 1

  MSGBOX "Information", "Option # 3 was selected", 1
4. The picture below shows how it should look like in the script editor:

5. Click OK to close the script editor.
Part 3 - Test the installation:
In the third part of this tip we will test the setup package that we have created. Follow the tests below to test the installation:

1. Open the File list tab and enter a project name and a main destination folder for the installation.
2. Add one or more files to the file list.
3. Choose the File - Create setup package menu item.
4. Create a setup package.
5. Now you can run your installation. When the following dialog box is shown during the installation, select option number 1 (the "My option 1" option):

6. After the files in the file list has been copied to your hard disk, the following message box will be shown on your screen:

The message box above is shown because the following script lines is executed:
  MSGBOX "Information", "Option # 1 was selected", 1
The conditional statement
IF OPTION(1)=ON gives true because option 1 was selected in the dialog box with user options. The other conditional statements give false, so the lines between IF and END IF is never executed here.
Just showing message boxes are maybe not so useful, but by combining the dialog box with user options with conditional statements in script, you can for example let the user decide if a specific setup program or a special tool should be run. For example like this:
  MSIEXEC %DESTDIR\MySpecialTool.msi, /qn, WAIT
See also
See also this blog post on our blog. There you will find additional information about the User Options dialog box:
New setup dialog box in Visual Installer: User Options

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