Tip: How to run an MSI uninstallation from script

On this page we explained how to run an MSI installation during Visual Installer's setup process. You may wonder if it is possible to uninstall these files during Visual Installer's uninstallation process, and the answer is: yes, it is possible.
There is another script command available that functions like MSIEXEC but it is run during an uninstallation process instead. The name of the command is UNINSTALL_MSIEXEC and it takes the same three parameters as MSIEXEC:
UNINSTALL_MSIEXEC   %Filename, %Param, %Wait
%Filename Complete path to the MSI file, for example %DESTDIR\MySetup.msi.
%Param Command line parameters to send to Windows Installer. Optional.
%Wait Wait until the MSI installation is completed, or not. Optional.
The %Filename parameter must always be specified and must contain a full path to an MSI file.
The %Param parameter must contain all command line parameters (switches) that you want to pass to Windows Installer. The use of %Param is optional, but if you want to make an uninstallation the parameter must contain at least the /x switch. The /x switch tells Windows Installer to make an uninstallation. The %Param parameter can also contain another command line switches, like /qn (silent installation), so if you need to use more than one switch you can separate them with a space (e.g.: "/qn /x"). A complete list with possible parameters is available on this Microsoft page.
The %Wait parameters is also optional. To get more information about the %Wait parameter and its use, you can read the page with the MSIEXEC tip.
Examples of usage - UNINSTALL_MSIEXEC:
The example below shows how to use
MSIEXEC to install files during Visual Installer's installation process and how to use UNINSTALL_MSIEXEC to uninstall same files during Visual Installer's uninstallation process.
// Run this MSI installation during Visual Installer's installation process
MSIEXEC %DESTDIR\MySetup.msi, /qn

// Run this MSI uninstallation during
Visual Installer's uninstallation process
By passing the /x switch to Windows Installer (via
UNINSTALL_MSIEXEC) we inform Windows Installer that we want to make an uninstallation. By passing the /qn switch we inform Windows Installer that we want to make a silent installation and uninstallation. The command lines above should be entered in the After installation tab in the script window: 


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