The MSIEXEC.exe program (Windows Installer)

If you need to start an MSI installation (Windows Installer installation) with command line parameters, you must run the MSIEXEC.exe program that is distributed with Windows Installer. Since Windows XP, all versions of Windows has this program included, so it is safe to call this program.

MSIEXEC script command in Visual Installer calls this program automatically, and all command line parameters that you specify via this command's second parameter (the %Param parameter) are passed to the MSIEXEC.exe program. A complete list of available command line parameters (command line switches) is available on this page on Microsoft's website.

MSIEXEC script command automatically includes the /i parameter (normal installation) in the command line, unless you specifies it by yourself, or if you specifies the /a (administrative installation) or /x (uninstall) parameter. In these cases, /i will not be added to the command line.

When you run the MSIEXEC.exe program, you must also specify a full path to the MSI file (a full path to a file with an ".msi" filename extension). When you use the
MSIEXEC script command, you specify this via the first parameter of the command (via the %Filename parameter).

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