SamLogic’s Newsletter Issues in 2020

We have an international newsletter that is targeted for our international customers where we publish information and news related to our products and our company. We send the newsletter about 6-7 times/year. In the newsletter you can read about:

– Information about SamLogic Software’s products
– Tips and tricks for SamLogic Software’s programs
– Technical and non-technical articles
– Videos (tip videos and information videos etc.)
– Special offers

Below you can view all newsletter issues that we sent during 2020:

> 07/2020 – 100 tips for SamLogic’s tools (part 3 of 3)
> 06/2020 – 100 tips for SamLogic’s tools (part 2 of 3)
> 05/2020 – 100 tips for SamLogic’s tools (part 1 of 3)
> 04/2020 – How to create an installation for a Visual C# application (with Visual Installer)
> 03/2020 – If you need to inform about the company’s actions regarding the coronavirus
> 02/2020 – You can now set an absolute position for a title object in CD-Menu Creator
> 01/2020 – Top Lists 2019 – Most read articles, read blog posts and viewed videos

Subscribe to our newsletter
If you want to subscribe to our newsletter you can visit the web page below:
> Subscribe to SamLogic Software’s newsletter